Again we got up early and headed out on the bus for a 2 ½ hour trip to Florence (Firenza). Here we toured the city on foot. We saw a large statue of Salistro Bandini, the monk who invented credit. (If he had only known what problems that would bring to people and nations in the 21st century he might have kept the idea to himself!) We walked to the Ponte Vechio – a bridge where on the most beautiful jewelry is sold in stores on both sides of the narrow, pedestrian only bridge. Rubies, diamonds, emeralds, pearls and gold and silver – serious buyers only! I lucked upon an abandoned map of the city and Tim and I walked around enjoying the sites, shops and people. Tim even saw a bicicletta verde.
We met the group for lunch and Romeo took us to a quaint favorite of his, the Ristorante Mamma Gina. They had a large back room where we were able to eat without disturbing too many others. We had the nicest waiter who spoke clear English and was very patient with our table. Everyone ordered whatever they wanted off the menu. I can only recall that I had a cold artichoke and cheese salad – it might have had a vinegar dressing, I’m not sure. It was just so light and the cheese was sliced paper thin. The whole meal was delicious.
After lunch, we were invited to wander again and agreed to meet at the Galleria Dell ‘Accademia, the museum where Michelangelo’s magnificent statue of David is housed. Security was very tight as you would hope it would be. This was another beautiful museum full of marble statues, paintings and mosaics. We were allowed to get very close to the statue of David. It is huge. His hands did seem a bit too big for the rest of his body though. Not that I could do any better. Just a comment, Michelangelo, not a criticism. We walked to the San Lorenzo market where we had about ½ hour to shop. I visited a farmacia for throat lozenges. Then we had a 2 ½ hour drive back to the villa and additional cooking classes!